Wednesday 12 October 2016


The Kisigio and Rungwa River Game Reserves and Ruaha National Park total a protected area of 25,600 sq. Kilometers. Ruaha is Tanzania’s second largest national park and one of the wildest. Crocodiles, hippos and clawless otters soak and play in the water and on the banks of the great Ruaha River. Reedbuck, waterbuck and buffalo drink, ever watchful for lion, leopard, jackal, spotted hyena and hunting dog. The grassland borders of the River are home to greater and lesser kudu, a large elephant population, eland, impala, Grant’s gazelle, dik-dik, zebra, warthog, mongoose, wild cat, porcupine and the shy civet.There are plenty of Eurasian migrant birds on their outward and return journeys as well as resident kingfishers, plovers, hornbills, green wood hoopoes, bee-eaters, sunbirds and egrets. The best months to go are between July and November when the animals are concentrated around shrinking water holes.

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